The fellowship discovery journey at Measurement Canada

Jasper Chan

Jasper Chan

May 26, 2020

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“Ensure the integrity and accuracy of financial transactions involving measurement through enforcement and administration of the Weights and Measures Act and Electricity and Gas Inspection Act and associated regulations. MC staff approve, inspect and certify measurement instruments for use in Canada, certify the physical standards used to test measuring instruments and investigate complaints regarding inaccurate measurement.”

Commemorative selfie after finishing our first on-site product audit!
Commemorative selfie after finishing our first on-site product audit!
Sticky notes in Miro with pain points mentioned by Inspectors.
Sticky notes in Miro with pain points mentioned by Inspectors.

Specialists find it difficult to systematically triage and support technical issues/requests, and to provide consistent legally validated answers in a timely fashion. They are bogged down with coordinating with various individuals, possibly across multiple time zones, to obtain the necessary information to resolve the issue/request. The amount of time spent triaging a specific request can be significant, which causes them to feel a lack of capacity to service all the requests.

A slide with the problem statement surrounding the allocation of work to Inspectors.
A slide with the problem statement surrounding the allocation of work to Inspectors.
A slide with the problem statement surrounding the allocation of equipment for inspections.
A slide with the problem statement surrounding the allocation of equipment for inspections.