How to discover user insights without in-person interviews

Andrea Hill

Andrea Hill

March 30, 2020

Two people having a discussion over a video conferencing platform. Tools like these make remote user interviews and usability testing possible.
Two people having a discussion over a video conferencing platform. Tools like these make remote user interviews and usability testing possible.
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A screenshot of my calendly page, showing dates and time slots available for interviews.
A screenshot of my calendly page, showing dates and time slots available for interviews.
A screenshot of a MURAL board. Each square includes a verbatim from a user (each users’ comments were assigned to a specific colour). Blue circles are the labels for themes or topics that were discussed
A screenshot of a MURAL board. Each square includes a verbatim from a user (each users’ comments were assigned to a specific colour). Blue circles are the labels for themes or topics that were discussed