This guide prepared by Caffeine Creations

For support email or call 647-799-6330

Welcome to Your Website User Manual

The various sections of this guide can be navigated by clicking to menu to the left. The menu item's should be self explanatory.


Do not share passwords and login credentials to the control panel. If another staff member needs to update content, create a new user account for them.

Switching between English and French

When creating and updating content you will need to ensure that both English and French versions of the content exist. Everywhere you update content you can easily switch between the English and French by selecting the correct language in the dropdown at the top of the page.

When you do this, the page will reload. Be sure to save any content before changing languages.

Hot Keys

When saving anywhere in the control panel you can either click the Save button at the top of the page or you can use the keyboard command CTRL + S (pc) or CMD + S (mac) and the page will be saved.